Art Catalogue

I’m into religious art, I studied it on my BA program. One of my colleagues and friends, Danica Todorović, held an exhibition of Orthodox religious paintings in Belgrade, Serbia, and asked me to design a catalogue.

It was a small print-run, low-cost project, that beside that allows endless creativity. I came up with a concept to use her art later as prayer cards. There is a custom among Orthodox people to print small versions of icons, wallet size, and take them with them anywhere they go, as a blessing or to meditate over them. It is a custom that I as an artist detest, cause mass-producing printed icons actually causes a damage to religious art, making artists loose their jobs (or their creativity). So I thought it would be great if we could make such prayer cards with real art made by real people- like her icons.

I made a custom wrap, inspired with some old bookbinding techniques, and in it we placed printed cards with her art. On the wrap we printed all the details on the artist and the gallery.

Danica nurtures natural materials in her art, so I thought craft paper and rope, with it’s rough and raw texture would be a great fit. This catalogue also features my font- Brzopis , it’s used to inscribe the text of a psalm: Out of the depths I cry to you, LORD; Lord, hear my voice (Psalm 130).

This is the result:

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